Promoting Mental Health and Wellness: Our commitment to our team

Paul Sadler Swimland Leaders Conference 2023

On this World Mental Health Day (October 10), we wanted to show our support for the betterment of mental health outcomes and what we do to support and improve the mental health outcomes of our team. We firmly believe that by providing ongoing engagement and support, we can inspire everyone to take small steps towards enhancing their physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

At Paul Sadler Swimland some of the initiatives we have in place to support the mental health of our team include;

Conferences for Leaders:

One of the ways we foster mental health awareness is by organising conferences for our leaders. These events feature guest speakers who provide valuable information, tips, and guides for mental health. By equipping our leaders with knowledge and resources, we empower them to create a supportive environment within their pools that encompasses our wider team.

Shared Experiences and Inspiration:

We understand the power of shared experiences in promoting mental health and we actively support key mental health awareness days / activities including R U OK? Day, World Mental Health Day and throughout the year through team engagement activities.

Wellness Wednesdays:

Our Bendigo Pool has been leading the way in this space by taking the initiative to implement ‘Wellness Wednesdays’. David Ryan – our manager at Paul Sadler Swimland Bendigo – described this initiative recently as ‘Basically we provide a bit of inspiration for everyone to do something that will improve their physical, mental, emotional wellness. We do it with the idea that if it helps one person, at a moment in time that they need it, then we have successfully made a difference. In a lot of examples, it’s little effort for a big reward.’

Some of these activities include:

  • Group coffee catch ups at the park/lake
  • Walks
  • Masterchef (healthy eating) challenge
  • Swim sessions
  • Wellbeing challenges (over 2 weeks – including physical, mental, emotional wellbeing tasks – prizes if you complete it all)
  • Podcast/video/blog recommendations
  • Show us your pets! – this was a popular one!
  • Sharing Holiday highlights
  • Sharing jokes
  • Treat yourself day and share what you did
  • Favourite binge TV show
  • Sharing/Showing Gratitude messages to one another
  • International women’s day – again sharing messages to each other.
  • Get moving – 30 mins or more and share what you did.
  • Everyone go for a walk and take a photo of the sunset

We LOVE this initiative, as do the team at Bendigo and many of our other pools have implemented similar activities to support and improve the mental health and wellbeing of their teams. 

At Paul Sadler Swimland, we know that our team is one of our biggest assets, and more than that, we care about the people who dedicate themselves to being a part of our Swimland Family. That is why supporting the mental health and wellness of the individuals that make up our team is so important to us and why we will continue to work to create a healthier and happier work environment for all our team members.