History of Paul Sadler

As a teenager, Paul Sadler was an accomplished high school swimmer. In a situation that was not uncommon in his era, he turned his hand to teaching swimming to supplement his family’s income.

Paul’s passion for teaching children influenced his choice of career and he was soon qualified to teach physical education and special needs children. As an educator, Paul focused on the psychology of teaching and value of structured programs. He soon applied this knowledge to the teaching of swimming, and began developing what is now one of the world’s leading learn-to-swim programs.

SInce 1972

Paul Sadler Swimland was formed in 1972, when Paul established what was likely swimming’s first public-private partnership by renting the pool at his first school, Moorabbin West Special School. Through the 1970s and 80s, Swimland progressed gradually while much was being learnt, developed and established. This progress continued, slowly and steadily, until the mid 1990s, when Paul realised he could accelerate the program’s growth by “duplicating” himself. The strength of his methodology came to the fore as multiple sites taught lessons that looked the same, whether Paul was there or not.

Today in Australia, over 25,000 children learn to swim at Swimland every week. Swimland has also expanded around the world, operating multiple sites in Canada and Vietnam.


Over the years, Paul Sadler Swimland has been the recipient of more than 25 industry awards in Australia and USA. Our most significant award was the recent induction of Paul Sadler into the Australian Swim Coaches and Teachers Association Hall of Fame, a designation reserved for the legends of swimming in Australia.

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