Our swim teachers

Dedicated, passionate team

Our Paul Sadler Swimland team is our greatest asset! We pride ourselves in having a dedicated, passionate team with world class skills. 

Paul Sadler Swimland teachers are motivated, knowledgeable, well-organised and caring. They are nationally accredited and qualified through independent accreditation programs as well as having undergone a thorough in-house training program. Our training program see the team gain an average of 200 hrs of in-house training before they teach a swimming lesson, so even our least experienced teachers are of the highest quality. 

All our team follow in depth lesson plans that compliment the exclusive certificate system. Teachers are trained in the skills of swimming and survival, the strategies of how to teach these skills, and are motivated to continually evolve and improve.

Leadership team

Mark Cecil

Chris Bannister
Operations Manager

Ben Sadler
Learn to swim manager

shona pallas
infant program Leader

Teachers in Training

Our ‘Teachers in Training’ undergo an extensive training program under the supervision of a Deck Supervisor in order to prepare them to become a Paul Sadler Swimland teacher. You may have one of the trainees assisting in your child’s class, which is a great help!

Deck Supervisor

Every class has a Deck Supervisor, who are some of our most experienced team members on the pool deck. The Deck Supervisors role is to support the teacher, keep you up-to-date on your child’s progress and answer any questions you might have. 

Customer Experience Team

Our customer experience team are friendly, professional and motivated – quality customer service is their number one priority! They are there to ensure you have an amazing experience and to lend a hand if you can’t find something through your online portal.

We also offer our team up-skilling & development every 3 months – it’s one of the things that we do differently, so you get the best results.

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